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about me

My name is Crystal and I have been in the hair enhancement business since 2004. Before then, I was an avid user and wearer of hair extensions, wigs and hairpieces and it was my pleasure in using these types of products that led me to learn more and start my own business. (The video above is a sampling of what we used to do at my salon!)

As a retailer of hair goods, I learned a lot about the use of products and some things that worked while other things really didn’t. As the owner of a salon, I watched my hair stylists and collaborated with them to share our knowledge and eventually, I began to experiment more myself with techniques that seemed to work well for most hair types - and Flat Trax Hair Extension Technique was born.

In 2010, I closed my salon and shop and sold my business to another salon owner so I could focus on my health and my family (I’m a single parent with a son). Operating the business was very stressful and I found myself not able to pay attention to things I felt were priorities in life. Even though I let my business go, the passion and love of hair enhancements has never left me! I still get calls on a regular basis from people who want and need advice on hair enhancement, extensions and wigs, so what better way to continue to be of service than to create this website (and others like it) and explore my other passion - making money on the Internet!

You see, when I decided to get into the hair enhancement business, I really wanted to operate an ecommerce store online - the only problem was none of the suppliers at that time were willing to open wholesale accounts unless the business had an actual “brick and mortar” storefront where customers could physically shop. Never one to be stopped from what I wanted, I went ahead and opened my store with the intent of operating a website store at the same time. I had no idea how much work would be involved with this - but boy did I learn! I did eBay, sold on and even tried to open my own Yahoo store. But these were very time consuming and really required more attention than I could give them because I was dealing with customers, employees and administrative duties like marketing and accounting. I won’t trade the experience and the education I got from it for anything though. I finally realized that I wanted to get an education in Internet Marketing, so I went back to school and got my Masters Degree in Internet Marketing and started another business - as a consultant for others like me who want to be successful online.

So as you explore this website I invite you to leave comments, join my mailing list, fan my facebook page, and ask questions. I’ll do my best to get answers for you. Also, check out my Free Hair Buying Guide. Beautiful hair is a wonderful thing, and even if you weren’t born with it, or you had it and you lost it, you can still have it and HAVE FUN with it!

Enjoy yourself!


Earnings Disclosure
This blog uses affiliate relationships to generate income for the site owner. These relationships include but are not limited to advertisements , blog posts for advertisers and website affiliate links. I do not personally endorse some of the ads that are shown on my blog. I will review websites and products on my blog and I will not make recommendations solely based on an affiliate relationship. Many of the websites I link to will not be affiliate sites, just sites I feel confident recommending. Most important to me is giving my viewers and readers information they can trust from sources I believe will meet a given need.

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